Mushroom powder from the whole mushroom
Why do we follow the philosophy of wholeness?
We are completely committed to the power of nature, and for us this also includes the philosophy of wholeness. That is why we offer you mushroom powder from the whole mushroom, which contains all the valuable ingredients of the mushroom.
For this purpose, our sister company, MykoVital H. GmbH, grows organic mushrooms in Limeshain (Germany) on ecologically controlled organic substrate (control number: DE-ÖKO-006): Our organic mushrooms are grown on a special organic substrate consisting of untreated wood and other valuable organic ingredients. All substrates contain only gluten- and lactose-free organic ingredients, clear sterile water and purified air. Of course, no pesticides or the like are used. The exact mixture of our organic mushroom substrate is unique and has been developed over decades of work.
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Mushroom powder from the whole mushroom
The long way from the spore to the mature mushroom
First, the organic substrate is carefully sterilised to ensure that it does not contain any bacteria or other fungal spores. Then it is spiked with the respective mushroom spawn. Several weeks or months usually pass before the first small mushroom heads appear. During the long ripening period, the organic substrate is completely covered with mushroom mycelium. We cultivate our organic mushrooms in optimally air-conditioned halls under controlled conditions. A constant optimal temperature and humidity ensure the best ripening conditions for the mushrooms. As soon as the fruiting bodies are fully grown on the substrate, they are harvested by hand.

Mushroom powder from the whole mushroom
From the ripe mushroom to mushroom powder of the best quality
Mushroom powder from the whole mushroom The further processing of the BIO mushrooms, which we grow exclusively for mushroom powder production, takes place immediately after harvesting the ripe mushroom. This is very important because mushrooms can lose valuable ingredients during storage. The first step is careful drying at temperatures not exceeding 35 degrees Celsius. This process preserves all the heat-resistant ingredients. Then the dried organic mushrooms are gently ground into a fine powder.
We do not add any colouring, binding, flowing or other additives during processing, so that you receive 100% pure organic mushroom powder from the whole mushroom. The finished organic mushroom powder is then filled into cellulose capsules. Either pure with 100 % powder of one mushroom or for our mushroom powder mixtures with the powder of two to a maximum of 3 mushrooms. Finally, the capsules are filled into jars. This way you benefit from mushroom powder that contains a maximum of ingredients.